Welcome to Inves2Care
Increase Your network
Patronage of
A.H MAKTOUM Investments LLC – Member of Ruling Family of Dubai.
Aim is to bring the Global Network to Dubai, UAE.
Potential Global Network
Potential Members

Business Analysis
We help our members to evaluvate their business and pitch to potential investors globally
Financial Management
We have the top financial analysts as our members who can stream line your Finances.
Our expert team helps you raise investments and provides sound investment opportunties to investors.
Verified Network
All our members have to complete the registration process hence are verified members
Plan, Forecast, & Network
Our Portal Features
Knowledge Base
Members can access Knowledge Base in the portal, remember knowledge is money.
Publish Status
Members can publish information and showcase their own business
Members can form new groups or become part of existing groups in the portal
Members can network with Top advisors and investors in the portal
Members can directly message other members in the portal globally
Management reporting
Members can publish their Business / Services / Investment Pitches